The Two Chief Scientists Sarawak and Western Australia
Where: Pitcher Partners WA, Level 11/12-14 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 Perth, WA 6000 Australia
When: Tue, 28 Nov 2023
Time: 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM AWST
Cost: $35/head
Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA) together with the support of Pitcher Partners WA is organising an event that includes the Chief Scientists of the States of Sarawak and Western Australia. The event will feature Professor Jack Sing, Chief Scientist for the Sarawak Government and Professor Peter Klinken, Chief Scientist for the Western Australian Government to discuss future development scenarios including economic and technology development in Sarawak and Western Australia and opportunities for collaboration between the two States.
The event will be held from 4.30pm – 6.30pm on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 at Pitcher Partners, level 11, 12 The Esplanade, Perth and will including networking and refreshments.
By way of background, Professor Jack Sing as Chief Scientist to the Sarawak Government provides advice and recommendations to the State Government on policies, strategies and action plans on how science and technology can support future economic growth. A primary focus of Professor Singh is leadership of the digital economy agenda for Sarawak. Professor Peter Klinken as Chief Scientist reports directly to the Minister for Science and provides independent, external advice to the Western Australian Government on science and innovation, broadening the economy, science industries and promoting Western Australia as a science leader in the Asia-Pacific region. Professor Klinken is active in advocating renewable energy opportunities, the potential growth of the battery materials industry, life sciences and the global rise of hydrogen.
Other speakers at the event include Ahmad Fikri Zakian, Consul-General of Malaysia in Perth and AMBCWA Patron, Bernard Chia President and Keith Anthonisz, Vice President, Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA).
Tickets are available at: Eventbrite | AMBCWA Event | The Two Chief Scientists
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