New Sponsors and Welcome Madam Nur Eliza Jemal
Where: Pitcher Partners WA, Level 11/12-14 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 Perth, WA 6000 Australia
When: Thu, 23 May 2024
Time: 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM AWST
Cost: $35/head
This is a free event to existing members and sponsors with paid tickets available to non members. The event provides an opportunity for members, sponsors and individuals/businesses to gain an appreciation of what they bring to AMBCWA and a chance to network. In particular the event will give an opportunity to recent generous AMBCWA sponsors to share more about their respective businesses and their participation with the Chamber.
Our three speakers & sponsors are:
- EXAL Group – Dr Bay Yeo, Group Managing Director
- Business News – Adam Barbarich, Corporate Account Manager
- The Agency Group – Daniel-Paul Filippi, Principal Projects WA
The event will also welcome our new Consul General of Malaysia in Perth, Madam Nur Eliza Jemal Zainal.
Other speakers at the event include Leon Mok, Managing Director of Pitcher Partners WA and Bernard Chia President of Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA).
Tickets are available at: Eventbrite | AMBCWA Event | New Sponsors and Welcome to New Consul General for Malaysia
Australia Events Western Australia Events Things to do in Perth, Australia Perth Seminars Perth Business Seminars #trade #membership #sponsors #malaysia #westernaustralia #business_networking #perth_business_owners #members_event #malaysiaaustralia